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September 2023 Community Newsletter

September 15, 2023 10:41 am

Pool Closed

Thank you for a great swimming season. The pool is now closed for the season, with the temperatures starting to dip at night and the days not getting warmer than what we heat the pool to, it’s time.

Fall Landscaping

It’s time to start trimming shrubs and trees that are growing into or over sidewalks and streets. Sidewalks should be clear for passage up to 8ft in height, and streets up to 14ft in height. It’s also time to start watching for leaves to drop. Please try to clean these up regularly, so they are not left to blow all into your neighbor’s yards.

Irrigation Water

Water is estimated to shut down October 13th, so get your last bit of watering in for the season.

Slow Down

We’ve had reports of speeding. Please make sure you’re not the one doing this. Take a second and slow down. We have lots of people who walk and ride on a daily basis in the community, and we just want to make sure everyone stays safe.

Volunteers Needed

We’re looking to start a few committees to help with concerns in the community. If you are interested in participating in any of the below committees please reach out to hoa@brightoncorp.com with the name of the committee and your contact information, and we’ll reach out to organize a meeting in the near future.

1) Neighborhood Watch: It’s become apparent that with the concerns of pets, golf carts, vandalism, and speeding that it’s time to be more vigilant. Having a group of residents that can help share accurate information and be a point of contact with our local police is very important.

2) Landscaping Committee: This is the largest expense our community has with all its open spaces. We’d like to form a committee to help work with the Board, management, and the landscapers in identifying services we may need as well as areas that may be in need of additional attention.

Dogs Barking

Ok, not only do you need to leash and clean up, but please make sure you are being cognizant of your dog’s barking. We get that dogs bark, but please don’t let them do this for extended periods or all hours of the night.

Fine Policy

The Board has adopted a new fine policy. This will go into effect October 1st, 2023 and will be posted in the community documents for easy reference.

Ada County Mosquito

Mosquitos are out. If you have concerns or need abatement you can reach out to Ada County at 208-577-4646.

Upcoming Events

If you’re interested in organizing an event for the community, please reach out to HOA@brightoncorp.com. You may view upcoming events online at: https://www.homesteadeagle.com/events/.

September 30 – End of Summer Concert – 5150 Old World

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This post was written by Brighton Corporation

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