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August 2023 Community Newsletter

August 25, 2023 4:24 pm

Garage Sale

Do you have “stuff” to get rid of? Well, here’s your chance… Saturday, September 9th is the fall garage sale. We’ve placed an ad in the paper, and will post a banner at the entrance. Residents are encouraged to post on social media and are welcome to put out additional directional signs on the day of. If you have any remaining items, you can donate to a local youth ranch, Savers, or call St. Vincent de Paul, as they will sometimes do pickups. You can also coordinate with the trash services for any additional pickups.

Dues Reminder

Dues are billed out semi-annually in January and July. If you have not paid your second half dues you are late, and have incurred a late fee and had your pool key revoked. If you do not respond by the end of the month, your account will go to collections.

Board Meetings

Our new community board is meeting monthly. Dates are posted on the community calendar as they are scheduled. Residents are welcome to attend. If there’s anything you would like to see the Board review, please send it to: hoa@brightoncorp.com.

Back to School

School is starting again all over the valley. Please be sure to slow down, and be watchful of kids crossing the streets headed to and from school. Parents, please make sure kids know where the best crossing locations are.

Volunteers Needed

We’re looking to start a few committees to help with concerns in the community. If you are interested in participating in any of the below committees please reach out to hoa@brightoncorp.com with the name of the committee and your contact information, and we’ll reach out to organize a meeting in the near future.

1) Neighborhood Watch: It’s become apparent that with the concerns of pets, golf carts, vandalism, and speeding that it’s time to be more vigilant. Having a group of residents that can help share accurate information and be a point of contact with our local police is very important.

2) Landscaping Committee: This is the largest expense our community has with all its open spaces. We’d like to form a committee to help work with the Board, management, and the landscapers in identifying services we may need as well as areas that may be in need of additional attention.

Pool Closing

We’re watching the weather, but our tentative closing date is Monday, September 18th, so get in your swimming while you can. If you use the 1st pool on Old World, be sure to walk or ride your bike over there in order to help reduce the parking and traffic jams. Drivers should also beware of this busy area.

No Dogs Off Leash

Please keep your beloved dogs leashed at all times when not on your property. Even the friendliest pet can dart in front of a car or in an effort to say hi knock someone over. Take them to the dog park if they need to run free. You may report dog complaints to the Humane Society at 208.343.3166 or https://idahohumanesociety.org/complete-an-animal-control-form/.

Golf Carts

Did you know that you need a license to drive a golf cart? It’s true, and we hope you understand we’re sharing this because we don’t want to see injuries or harm come to anyone or their property. Please keep carts off the paths and sidewalks.


In one of the parks, we found some ash, and paraphernalia type items left behind showing that smoking was happening in this area. Please keep a lookout and report anything suspicious to the police at: 208-938-2260.

Ada County Mosquito

Mosquitos are out. If you have concerns or need abatement you can reach out to Ada County at 208-577-4646.

Upcoming Events

If you’re interested in organizing an event for the community, please reach out to HOA@brightoncorp.com. You may view upcoming events online at: https://www.homesteadeagle.com/events/.

September 9 – Fall Garage Sale

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